Development of Sectoral Statistics and Statistical Literacy for OPD Salatiga Municipality in 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Development of Sectoral Statistics and Statistical Literacy for OPD Salatiga Municipality in 2024

Development of Sectoral Statistics and Statistical Literacy for OPD Salatiga Municipality in 2024

October 24, 2024 | Other Activities

On October 24, 2024 at the Grand Wahid Hotel Salatiga, BPS-Statistics Salatiga Municipality held sectoral statistics and statistical literacy development activities for the OPD of Salatiga Municipality in 2024. This event was attended by all OPD (Organisasi Perangkat Daerah) of Salatiga Municipality. The event was officially opened by the Regional Secretary of Salatiga Municipality, Wuri Pujiastuti, who expressed his thanks to BPS-Statistics Salatiga Municipality for carrying out sectoral statistical guidance to OPD in Salatiga City. The IPS (Indeks Pembangunan Statistik) score is not only an award event, but is useful for providing useful data for the development of the Municipality of Salatiga.

In this event, awards were also given to the 2023 EPSS loci, namely the Salatiga Municipality Diskominfo and the Salatiga Municipality Library and Archives Service, and the 2024 EPSS namely the Salatiga Municipality Diskominfo and Salatiga Municipality DP3APPKB. Evaluation of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS) produces IPS figures that reflect the guidance and development of sectoral statistics in a district/city. The IPS score for Salatiga Municipality in 2024 is 2.61 (good category). Apart from that, recommendations for the 2024 EPSS were also submitted from the Head of BPS-Statistics Salatiga Municipality to the Regional Secretary of Salatiga City.

The event continued with the delivery of material by three speakers, namely the Head of BPS-Statistics Salatiga Municipality, Head of Diskominfo Salatiga Municipality, and Plt. Secretary of BAPPEDA Salatiga Municipality. Head of BPS Salatiga Municipality, Aguskadaryanto, conveyed macro data for Salatiga Municipality including GRDP and economic growth, employment, poverty and HDI (Human Development Index). Head of the Salatiga Municipality Diskominfo, Budi Prasetiyono, conveyed the sectoral statistics business process. He appreciated BPS's initiation in holding this event in the context of developing sectoral statistics and as a synergy between BPS as the data supervisor, OPD as the data producer, and Diskominfo as the data guardian.

The third resource person was A. Adhie Wibowo as acting. The Secretary of BAPPEDA for Salatiga Municipality conveyed several things, including the current conditions related to data problems, including data that is not standardized, data that is not synchronized and there is no metadata, weak coordination (data is still stored individually), data is scattered and it is difficult to obtain data. The participants' enthusiasm was visible in this event, as evidenced by several questions asked to resource persons in the panel discussion session regarding data development in Salatiga Municipality.

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