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FGD and Training on Sectoral Statistics of Salatiga City

FGD and Training on Sectoral Statistics of Salatiga City

FGD and Training on Sectoral Statistics of Salatiga City

June 22, 2022 | Other Activities

Metadata is one of the principles in the implementation of one Indonesian data. As an effort to guide the preparation of metadata, for two days (21-22 June 2022) BPS Salatiga City became a resource person in FGD activities and Salatiga City Sectoral Statistical Metadata Training organized by the Salatiga City Communication and Information Office. This activity was attended by all OPD, vertical agencies and academics in Salatiga City. On the first day, the Head of BPS Salatiga City presented material on statistical metadata information with the theme The Important Role of Statistical Metadata in the Implementation of One Indonesian Data. Then on the second day, material on Activity-Statistical Metadata, Statistics-Indicator Metadata and Variable-Statistics Metadata were presented. With this activity, it is expected that all data producers understand and are able to prepare the resulting statistical metadata.
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