LF SP2020 Evaluation Meeting and FGD Public Service Standards BPS Salatiga City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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LF SP2020 Evaluation Meeting and FGD Public Service Standards BPS Salatiga City

LF SP2020 Evaluation Meeting and FGD Public Service Standards BPS Salatiga City

November 29, 2022 | Other Activities

The Central Bureau of Statistics for the City of Salatiga on Tuesday, 29 November 2022 held a Long Form Evaluation Meeting for the 2020 Population Census and a Focus Group Discussion on Public Service Standards for the City of BPS Salatiga. This event starts at 08.30 WIB and is divided into two sessions.

The first session was the LF SP2020 Evaluation Meeting which included a Population Development Grand Design Presentation by Sumarno, S.Ag., MM and Public Service Standards Presentation by Nihayah Widayanti. The discussion was guided and moderated by Dr. Dra Charis Christiani, M.Sc.

The second session was a Focus Group Discussion on BPS Public Service Standards for the City of Salatiga which was filled with an Presentation on the Integrated Statistical Service Standards (PST) for the City of BPS Salatiga which explained the conditions of service at the BPS for the City of Salatiga, followed by discussion and input from OPD and related agencies. (RD)

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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