Salatiga Municipality in Figures 2023 Publication FGD & Development of Sectoral Statistics - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Salatiga Municipality in Figures 2023 Publication FGD & Development of Sectoral Statistics

Salatiga Municipality in Figures 2023 Publication FGD & Development of Sectoral Statistics

February 15, 2023 | Other Activities

One of the annual routine activities of the Central Bureau of Statistics for the City of Salatiga related to the Preparation of the Publication of the City of Salatiga in Figures is the convening of a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). This year, the FGD was held at the Laras Asri Hotel, Salatiga on February 13, 2023, the participants came from representatives of the relevant Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD), academics represented from UIN Salatiga and SWCU, there were also representatives from Satpol PP and Salatiga Police with a total of participants as many as 46 people. Present as resource persons were Satriono, S.Si, MM (Head of the Salatiga City BPS) and Budi Prasetiyono, M.Sc (Head of the Salatiga City Communication and Informatics Service). Raising the theme of "Implementation of Sectoral Statistics", the Head of Diskominfo City of Salatiga explained the importance of synergy and collaboration between the Ministry of Communication and Informatics as data trustee and BPS as data supervisor. And no less important is also the role of data producers, namely data collection agencies. On the same occasion, the Head of BPS City of Salatiga explained the background and indicators of the Price Development Index (IPH), Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Inflation, as well as matters regarding the Cost of Living Survey (SBH). It is hoped that this activity will further improve the quality and accuracy of data as a basis for decision-making in development and that people will become more literate about data needs. Because Good Data Good Decision, No Data No Decision. And No data is clean, but most is useful. (SE).

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