Implementation of Groundcheck SBR 2023 Salatiga City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Implementation of Groundcheck SBR 2023 Salatiga City

Implementation of Groundcheck SBR 2023 Salatiga City

August 28, 2023 | BPS Activities

Rapid economic development requires the availability of accurate and up-to-date data, so that dynamic economic changes can be monitored. BPS supports the provision of economic data through the development of the Statistical Business Register (SBR). The SBR is a structured and regularly updated list of economic units within a region, which is maintained by a statistical institution for statistical purposes. The SBR is a structured and regularly updated list of economic units within a region, which is maintained by a statistical institution for statistical purposes. SBR has an important role in producing economic statistics. The SBR serves to provide a population of economic statistics units as a sample frame for economic surveys and can be used to develop business demographics. In general, the objectives of implementing the 2023 SBR Groundcheck are:

1. Updating business/company data that may not have been updated in BPS updating activities or surveys;

2. Cleaning SBR data from inactive and no longer operating businesses/companies;

3. Complete the fields for variables that are still empty;

4. Eliminate data duplication.

The 2023 SBR Groundcheck implementation in Salatiga City took place on August 9-31 2023, involving 10 Field Officer partners and 5 Field Supervisor partners, with a target of 189 businesses. Previously, field officers and supervisors attended training on 3-4 August 2023 at the BPS Hall, Salatiga City.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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