Regsosek night BPS Salatiga City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Regsosek night BPS Salatiga City

Regsosek night BPS Salatiga City

October 31, 2022 | BPS Activities

Saturday, October 29, a data collection on the homeless was carried out by the BPS Salatiga City. This activity is part of a series of Initial Socio-Economic Registration Data Collection (REGSOSEK) called “REGSOSEK Night” which was carried out simultaneously on the evening of October 29 to October 30 in the morning. This Regsosek Night activity aims to record and ensure that all residents are recorded. This activity also involved the Salatiga City Police, which consisted of 5 people as a security unit during data collection. In its implementation, BPS Salatiga City formed two teams to facilitate data collection.

Team 1 consisting of 9 people conducted data collection from the Salatiga City BPS Office towards the JLS (Salatiga Ring Road), Sidorejo District consisting of Blotongan Village, Salatiga Village, Sidorejo Lor Village, and Pasar Raya Salatiga and Tingkir District consisting of, Kutowinangun Lor and Kutowinangun South. Meanwhile, Team 2 which also consisted of 9 people carried out data collection starting from the BPS Office, JLS, Tingkir District which consisted of Tingkir Terminal and Toll Exit, Argomulyo District which consisted of the ABC T-junction, then Sidomukti District which consisted of Rejosari Market, Andong Market, Kelurahan Kalicacing, Sidorejo lor Village (Jetis Market), and Salatiga Raya Market.

The Regsosek Night Activity begins with a briefing at 20.30 to 22.00, followed by data collection activities from 22.30 to 03.00 in the morning. It is hoped that this Regsosek activity can provide results that can be used as a reference in the government's social protection program.

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