SALATIGA CITY BPS INTERNAL SUPERVISION - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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December 9, 2021 | Other Activities

Supervision is a process to ensure that all activities carried out are in accordance with what has been previously planned.

There are many reasons that determine the cause of the failure or success of an organization. But a recurring problem in all failing organizations is the lack or lack of adequate oversight.

In the context of BPS internal supervision, on December 6-8 2021, BPS Salatiga City received a visit from BPS Central Java Province. A total of 3 BPS personnel from Central Java Province visited to carry out Administrative Supervision, each from the Personnel & Legal Subdivision, the Goods/Services Procurement Subdivision, and the Finance Subdivision. The visit for 3 days is intended for supervision of the administration of Personnel and Law, supervision of the administration of the Procurement of Goods/Services, and supervision of the administration of Finance.

It is well realized that supervision is an important thing in carrying out a plan. Without supervision, the plans that have been set will be difficult to implement properly. So that the goals set by the organization will be difficult to realize.

Hopefully with BPS internal supervision, the planning prepared by BPS can run well in the context of realizing quality public information services for advanced Indonesia.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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