Implementation of the Competency Examination for Functional Statistics and Computer Institutions - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Implementation of the Competency Examination for Functional Statistics and Computer Institutions

Implementation of the Competency Examination for Functional Statistics and Computer Institutions

June 22, 2021 | Other Activities

Today, Tuesday, June 22, 2021, BPS Salatiga City again held the Competency Test for Functional Statistics and Computer Institution Officials or what we usually call it "Ukom" for the second stage, namely the Technical Competency Test. The first stage, namely the Cultural Social and Managerial Competency Test, was previously completed from June 9 to 11 where participants took the online exam independently.

Usually, it is enough for UKOM to be held in one of the rooms at the Salatiga City BPS Office because there are only a few test participants. However, there was a different atmosphere at this UKOM, where due to the large number of participants, this UKOM was held at the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) of Salatiga City, where both the capacity and the availability of internet were adequate because this UKOM was implemented regularly. on line. So like it or not, the smooth internet signal is an absolute necessity so that Ukom runs smoothly until it is finished.

The number of UKOM participants this time was 21 participants from a total of 25 registered candidates, of which 2 JFT Statistics from BPS Salatiga City and 19 JFT Computer Pranatas from OPD in the Salatiga City Government with 2 supervisors from BPS Salatiga City. The 4 prospective participants could not attend because they were undergoing self-isolation. The BPS Salatiga City has offered to the 4 prospective participants to carry out the Independent Examination with the terms and procedures that have been set, but those concerned prefer to continue their independent isolation. Until this news was revealed, the exam was still ongoing by implementing the health protocols set.

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