Implementation of the Wholesale Price Survey for March 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Implementation of the Wholesale Price Survey for March 2021

Implementation of the Wholesale Price Survey for March 2021

March 25, 2021 | BPS Activities

One of the routine activities carried out by BPS every month is the Wholesale Price Survey (SHPB). This survey is under the responsibility of the Distribution Statistics Function. The purpose of this survey is to obtain reliable and timely wholesale price data and to track price developments over time. SHPB respondents are wholesalers and mixed traders who sell commodity samples (commodity packages) that have been determined by BPS Central Java Province. In Salatiga, there were 13 respondents who were the target of this survey, where the enumerator, in this case the partner, would collect data every month from the 1st to the 15th of the month, then the resulting data would be entered online.

There was something different about the SHPB census this March, namely the participation of UNS students who were running street vendors at BPS Salatiga City. They followed the officers' trip to enumerate 8 respondents, most of whom were located in the Pasar Raya I Salatiga and Blauran Market areas. By seeing directly the data collection process in the field, they can directly experience the obstacles or difficulties faced both when meeting respondents and during interviews. Thus they know that data collection is not an easy task so that they will appreciate and understand the importance of data more, and of course also know the purpose of this SHPB activity. In addition, it is hoped that they can become an extension of BPS when they return to their communities to be able to share their experiences with their peers and relatives or the community around them regarding statistical activities carried out by BPS. So that it can play a role in increasing public awareness of the importance of statistical data.

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