Evaluation of Program Design and Development of the Village of Love Statistics 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Evaluation of Program Design and Development of the Village of Love Statistics 2023

Evaluation of Program Design and Development of the Village of Love Statistics 2023

October 25, 2023 | Other Activities

Wednesday (25/10) BPS Salatiga City carried out the development of Beautiful Villages (Love Statistics) in the Tingkir Tengah Village Hall. This activity was carried out as part of a series of 2023 Beautiful Village Development activities. Participants in this activity consisted of 10 Community Social Workers (PSM) from Tingkir Tengah Village, 12 Satatis Agents from Tingkir Tengah Village, and 3 Beautiful Village Trustees from BPS Salatiga City.

In this meeting, an evaluation of the beautiful village development program that had been designed was presented, namely the provision of clean water and healthy latrines. As speakers, namely, Sri Irijanti, S.ST, M.Si, First Statistician of BPS Salatiga City and Head of Tingkir Tengah Village, Ria Maharani, SE.

During this meeting, discussions were also held with statistical agents who discussed the list of program recipients, the program budget and the agencies that would implement the program. The list of recipients of the clean water program currently has names, while the recipients of the healthy toilet program are still in the process of collecting data. The budget for this program comes from the Salatiga City APBD, while the implementers are PDAM for the clean water program and DPUPR for the healthy toilet program.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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