Socialization and Development of Sectoral Statistics Towards One Indonesian Data 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Socialization and Development of Sectoral Statistics Towards One Indonesian Data 2024

Socialization and Development of Sectoral Statistics Towards One Indonesian Data 2024

May 28, 2024 | Other Activities

On May 28 2024, BPS Salatiga City held a socialization and development activity for sectoral statistics towards one Indonesian data in 2024. This activity was carried out in the Merapi Room, Hotel Laras Asri Resort and Spa Salatiga. The participants in this activity were all 31 OPDs (Regional Apparatus Organizations) in Salatiga City.
This activity presented three speakers, namely the Head of Diskominfo Salatiga City, the Dean of FEBI UIN Salatiga and the Head of BPS Salatiga City. Head of Diskominfo, Budi Prasetiyono, in his presentation conveyed several things, including Presidential Decree No. 39 of 2019 concerning One Indonesian Data which aims to provide implementation references and guidelines for central and regional agencies in the context of implementing data governance for planning, implementing, evaluating and controlling development; realizing the availability of data that is accurate, up-to-date, integrated, accountable, and easily accessible and shared between Central Agencies and Regional Agencies as a basis for planning, implementing, evaluating and controlling development; encourage openness and transparency of data so as to create data-based planning and formulation of development policies; and supporting the national statistical system of laws and regulations. Another thing that Budi Prasetiyono conveyed was related to Salatiga Mayoral Regulation Number 6 of 2021 concerning One Salatiga Data which mandates the realization of data that is accurate, up-to-date, integrated, accountable, easy to access and easy to use.
The second resource person, namely the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Business Economics (FEBI) UIN Salatiga, Mochlasin conveyed several things, including the collaboration between BPS Salatiga City and FEBI UIN Salatiga in building a Statistics Corner, the plan is for the Statistics Corner to be launched in June 2024, the MoU and Cooperation Agreement have been signed (PKS) FEBI UIN Salatiga and BPS Salatiga City related to this Statistics Corner. Another discussion conveyed by Mochlasin was the challenges of the world of work for millennials in the demographic bonus era. Future human resources must have literacy (literacy, science, IT, finance), skills (critical, creative, collaborative, communicative) and character (moral character, performance character).
The third resource person, namely the Head of BPS Salatiga City, Aguskadaryanto, conveyed the background to the need to improve government data governance, namely the difficulty of finding government data, differences in statistical data between agencies, and the need for quality data for planning, monitoring and evaluating national development. Another thing that was conveyed was that PP 51 of 1999 concerning the Implementation of Statistics states that every organizer of sectoral statistical surveys is obliged to notify BPS of their plans for conducting surveys, follow recommendations and submit the results of their survey implementation to BPS.
To enliven this event, an ice breaking event was also held which was attended by all participants. After the presentations of the 3 speakers, the event continued with questions and answers or discussions which were enthusiastically attended by all participants.
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