Tasyakuran for BPS Salatiga City Meeting Room - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Tasyakuran for BPS Salatiga City Meeting Room

 Tasyakuran for BPS Salatiga City Meeting Room

December 14, 2021 | Other Activities

On Monday, December 13, 2021, the Central Bureau of Statistics of the City of Salatiga, held an inauguration and celebration of the meeting room. This event was attended by all employees of BPS Salatiga City, STIS graduate interns, students from IAIN and representatives of statistical partners while maintaining health protocols. The inauguration of the meeting room was marked by cutting the ribbon, signing the inscription and cutting the cone by the Head of BPS Salatiga City, Satriono, S.Si, MM.

With this meeting room, it is hoped that all meeting activities, both internal meetings and other meetings involving external parties, can run more optimally without having to interfere with work activities in other rooms.

In this event, awards were also given to statistical partners as a form of appreciation for their performance so far. The awards given are divided into 3 categories, namely the category of partner with integrity, category of skilled partner and category of disciplined partner. For the integrity category awards were given to Rahmita Dwi Aprisa (Partner with Integrity I), Wiji Setyani (Partner with Integrity II) and Muhammad Shinwan (Partner with Integrity III). Furthermore, the award for the advanced partner category was given to Naning Fibriati (Advanced Partner I), Rini Sukomuktiwie (Advanced Partner II) and Septiana Irawati (Advanced Partner III). Meanwhile, the award for the discipline partner category was given to Mughis (Discipline Partner I), Rahmawati Candra Kirana (Discipline Partner II) and Erni Nugraheni (Discipline Partner III).

Congratulations to all of our selected partners and friends of BPS Salatiga City, hopefully the awards given can be an encouragement to be able to carry out their duties better and be a motivation to be able to compete in a healthy manner in other BPS activities in showing the best performance.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Salatiga

Jl. Hasanudin Km 01 Dukuh Sidomukti Salatiga 50722

Telp/Fax (0298) 326319 Mailbox : bps3373@bps.go.id





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