PKL Opening of STIS Polstat Students Class 60 of 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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PKL Opening of STIS Polstat Students Class 60 of 2021

PKL Opening of STIS Polstat Students Class 60 of 2021

February 18, 2021 | Other Activities

On Tuesday, February 16, 2021, there was an online opening ceremony for PKL Student STIS Polstat Student activities using the Zoom Metting application. The event was attended by approximately 400 STIS Poltek students and 243 Echelon II and III throughout the Provincial BPS and Regency / City BPS in Indonesia. PKL Student Poltek STIS Class 60 will be held online and offline on February 16 to 28, 2021. The topics raised in PKL batch 60 are the level of job satisfaction of BPS employees and the level of disaster mitigation and preparedness. In the zoom metting presented the Head of BPS RI, Dr. Suhariyanto as the main speaker. On his occasion, he gave several messages for all STIS Polstat students class 60 who will carry out PKL activities in 2021. His message was that all students did not feel disappointed and discouraged at the implementation of PKL this time because it was different from the previous PKL-PKL. During the Covid-19 pandemic, PKL activities were not carried out outside the region in order to implement health protocols. PKL batch 60 will be implemented internally in all Provincial BPS and Regency / city BPS in Indonesia, both online and offline. In addition, he also advised all provincial and district / city BPS heads to be ready to accept STIS Polstat students who would later carry out offline interviews during street vendors and answer honestly to the questions given to produce a true picture. Finally, he advised all students who would carry out street vendors to always maintain their health during the Covid-19 pandemic. "Everyone has to be on guard but don't panic," he said. He hopes that the results of this PKL activity in 2021 can be useful for formulating future policy steps and can be material for self-reflection towards a better BPS. (Author: INT)

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