FKP Regsosek Assistant Facilitator Training 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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FKP Regsosek Assistant Facilitator Training 2023

FKP Regsosek Assistant Facilitator Training 2023

April 28, 2023 | BPS Activities

The initial data collection for Regsosek in 2022 aims to provide a database of the entire population consisting of profiles, social conditions, economy, and level of welfare that are connected to the main population data and other databases down to the village/kelurahan level.

The finalization of the initial data collection results will involve community participation through the Public Consultation Forum (FKP). In the FKP, cross-validation will be carried out between the results of processing and community knowledge, to then be decided by prioritizing deliberation for consensus. FKP activities are guided by a facilitator assisted by two assistant facilitators and administrators who are carried out from village to village in their assigned area.

BPS City of Salatiga conducted Public Consultation Forum (FKP) Assistant Facilitator Training on Initial Research and Research Data Collection Results for the 2023 Fiscal Year for 2 (two) effective days on 13-14 April 2023 at the Grand Wahid Hotel Salatiga. A total of 22 Assistant Facilitators took part in this training guided by 1 Regional Instructor. The Assistant Facilitator will start serving in the Public Consultation Forum from 2 to 21 May 2023.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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