Public Consultation Forum of Regsosek for the 2023 Fiscal Year of Salatiga Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Public Consultation Forum of Regsosek for the 2023 Fiscal Year of Salatiga Municipality

Public Consultation Forum of Regsosek for the 2023 Fiscal Year of Salatiga Municipality

May 14, 2023 | BPS Activities

Statistics of Salatiga Municipality on 2 – 21 May 2023 carried out the activities of the Public Consultation Forum (FKP) Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek) for the 2023 Fiscal Year in all sub-districts of Salatiga City. Present at the FKP Regsosek activity were the head of the SLS, in this case the RT head or a representative who understood the situation of the local community, community leaders, religious leaders, heads/administrators of village institutions, as well as Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas to help with security.

FKP activities are guided by a facilitator assisted by two assistant facilitators and administrators. During the implementation of the FKP, FKP participants were asked to examine the welfare group as a result of the 2022 Regsosek Preliminary Data Collection which was carried out on October 15 – November 14 2022. In the next stage, recommendations for changes to the welfare group will be discussed in the forum so that the data of Regsosek obtained from the FKP results are in accordance with the mutual agreement.

This agreement involves the community as a form of transparency, social control and to improve data quality. The results of the FKP will serve as the basis for determining the family welfare group as a result of the initial Regsosek data collection as well as recommendations for further updating of the data.

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