August 12, 2022 | Other Activities
One of the steps in supporting the acceleration of the implementation of bureaucratic reform, BPS implements the Desa Cinta Statistik (CANTIK Village) program. This program is a form of BPS responsibility in providing sectoral statistics development, as stated in Law no. 16 of 1997 on statistics. The CANTIK Village Program is in line with the spirit of one data Indonesia, which is to create an integrated planning, implementation, evaluation, and control of development. Through this Beautiful Village program, it is hoped that community-based village information systems can be optimized.
To realize this program, BPS Salatiga City has determined the Randuacir area as one of the villages selected as the Pilot Project for the Cinta Statistik (CANTIK) Village in Salatiga City. On Thursday, August 11, 2022, located in the meeting room of the Randuacir Village Office, the CANTIK Village Team of the BPS City of Salatiga represented by Dani Dwi Widagdo, S.ST together with Randuacir Village in this case accompanied by Randuacir Lurah Dian Widhinafisa, S.STP carried out activities Development of the Village of Cinta Statistik (CANTIK). Participants who attended the meeting were representatives of the PKK RW management in Randuacir Village, where the agenda at the meeting was fostering PKK registration and administration as well as collecting family data in Randuacir Village.
On this occasion, BPS
provided literacy on statistics and the importance of data for the government
in making development policies. The data produced must be of high quality, so
expertise is needed in collecting data. The collection of various data is not
only carried out by BPS, so that up to the Kelurahan level such as PKK it is
also appropriate to collect data with good principles, not carelessly and can
be accounted for. This is a form of Statistics Love (CANTIK). For this reason,
BPS is ready to provide guidance, for example starting from the PKK
administrative data collection by PKK administrators as is done today.
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The Chairperson of the Salatiga City DPRD Has Registered Regsosek 2022
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