Preparation of Village/Subdistrict Potential Data Collection in the City of Salatiga in 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Preparation of Village/Subdistrict Potential Data Collection in the City of Salatiga in 2021

Preparation of Village/Subdistrict Potential Data Collection in the City of Salatiga in 2021

May 28, 2021 | BPS Activities

Reliable information on the results of the Village Potential (Podes) 2021 is urgently needed not only for the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), but also for other government agencies and the general public as data users. The Podes result data is a source of area-based (spatial) data which is very important for planning, formulating policy strategies, and evaluating development programs both at regional and national scales in order to improve people's welfare.

This Podes data is the only data source including area-based which is able to describe the potential of an area at the village, sub-district, and district / city levels throughout Indonesia. The 2021 Podes data collection in Central Java Province is based on Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI), which is strongly influenced by: (1) the quality and accuracy of data collected by field officers; (2) Data sources (resource persons); and (3) Accuracy and thoroughness of enumerators in filling in data into the CAPI.

Activities carried out through several processes, namely planning, implementation, processing, and presentation. Currently, the activity being carried out is officer training. BPS Salatiga City conducted training from 27 to 29 May 2021. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the implementation was carried out through an online zoom meeting which was also attended by BPS officers from Purworejo Regency. Meanwhile, the schedule for the implementation of the Podes 2021 field survey starts from 2 to 30 June 2021.

Each enumerator conducts visits in all areas that become his / her task, namely in the Kelurahan or Kecamatan or Kota and records the available data and potentials either through document searches or interviews with the officials of the Kelurahan or Kecamatan or Kota. It is hoped that obtaining high-quality and reliable Podes data is essential to be realized.

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