Geospatial Framework Update Data Collection & Wilkerstat ST2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Geospatial Framework Update Data Collection & Wilkerstat ST2023

Geospatial Framework Update Data Collection & Wilkerstat ST2023

March 21, 2022 | BPS Activities

In this March, in addition to the activities of the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas). BPS Salatiga City also carried out the activity of Updating the Geospatial Framework & Contents of Wilkerstat ST2023. This activity is a preparation for the implementation of ST 2023 which aims to: (1) Obtain the latest geospatial framework for ST2023; (2) Obtain the latest ST2023 agricultural wilkerstat load; (3) Obtaining basic data for calculating ST2023 volume.

Prior to the implementation of this field, the officers had been given officer training. The training for the Wilkerstat ST2023 Goespatial Framework Update Officer was held offline at the Grand Wahid Hotel Salatiga which was divided into two waves. Wave I on 22-23 February 2022 which was attended by 22 participants with details of 4 as supervisors and 18 as mappers. Phase II on March 25-26 2022 which was attended by 26 participants with details of 4 people as supervisors and 22 people as mappers.

The updating activities are carried out by: identifying the SLS to the village office; identification of SLS changes; updating of agricultural content through the Head of SLS; and geotaging agricultural infrastructure. In this activity, BPS Salatiga City will update 624 Census Blocks and 1,164 SLS-Non-SLS spread over four sub-districts. So that updating activities are always in accordance with SOPs, Update Supervision activities are also carried out by BPS organic employees. With this supervision, officers are expected to update according to the SOP. In addition, errors that occur in the field can be detected early so that evaluation and improvement can be carried out immediately so that accurate and quality data can be obtained.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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