Field Data Collection Survey of Happiness Level Measurement (SPTK) 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Field Data Collection Survey of Happiness Level Measurement (SPTK) 2021

Field Data Collection Survey of Happiness Level Measurement (SPTK) 2021

July 28, 2021 | BPS Activities

In 2021, the Central Statistics Agency will again carry out the Happiness Level Measurement Survey (SPTK). The background of this survey is that each individual has their own perception of happiness. Some people see happiness in wealth, residence, position or health. Others are on wife, children, work or maybe on feeling happy about a certain condition. This difference in perception in assessing happiness has prompted BPS to measure happiness by carrying out the 2021 Happiness Level Measurement Survey (SPTK).

In general, this survey aims to obtain detailed information about the level of happiness as measured by various relevant objective and subjective variables. Meanwhile, specifically, this survey aims to: (1) provide data to calculate the 2021 Happiness Index, (2) provide data for the 2021 Social Capital Indicator, (3) provide data to calculate the 2021 Environmental Care Behavior Index (IPPLH), and (4 ) Provide data to calculate indicators related to crime.

The data collection for the 2021 SPTK Field in Salatiga City will continue until August 15, 2021. Regarding the implementation of level 4 Micro Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Salatiga City, SPTK 2021 officers are equipped with PPE in the form of masks and hand sanitizers. For the people of Salatiga City who are the sample of the 2021 SPTK, we hope to be able to welcome officers and answer questions in the survey honestly. (RD)

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