Integrated Agricultural Survey Data Collection (SITASI 2021) Salatiga City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Integrated Agricultural Survey Data Collection (SITASI 2021) Salatiga City

Integrated Agricultural Survey Data Collection (SITASI 2021) Salatiga City

September 29, 2021 | BPS Activities

The 2021 Integrated Agricultural Survey (SITASI 2021) is an integrated survey program that is used as the basis for the creation of an efficient agricultural statistics system in order to accelerate the improvement of the quality of agricultural data. This survey aims to harmonize agricultural data collection methodologies internationally, meet agricultural data needs, and build sustainable agriculture surveys

The Central Bureau of Statistics of the City of Salatiga will carry out data collection on the 2021 SITAS which is scheduled to start on September 20, 2021 until November 23, 2021. This data collection begins with updating households which will be carried out on September 20 to 30, 2021. Meanwhile, the enumeration of sample households will be carried out on October 14 to November 23, 2021. The data collection officers are BPS organic employees and BPS partners who have been trained on the concept and definition of SITASI 2021 for three days. In addition, officers have also tested negative for COVID-19 through a rapid antigen test.

The 2021 SItasi data collection no longer uses paper documents (paperless). In its implementation, both updating and household enumeration were carried out by means of direct interviews through the CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) mode, which is a tool (HP/Android) used by enumerators (interviewers) to record information from respondents as a substitute for paper media.

It is hoped that the people of Salatiga City who are affected by the 2021 SITATION sample can give good answers according to existing conditions to BPS officers, so that quality statistical data will be realized for Advanced Indonesia.

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