Friendship and Vaccination - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Friendship and Vaccination

Friendship and Vaccination

July 28, 2021 | Other Activities

On 27 April 2011, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) officially declared 30 July as International Friendship Day. However, some countries celebrate Friendship Day in the first week of August. In Oberlin Ohio, Friendship Day is even celebrated on April 8 every year.
Regardless of these differences, the essence of friendship during this pandemic is how we can together help friends who are currently experiencing difficulties wherever they are, to the best of our ability. When we hear that a friend who is far away has been exposed to Covid-19, distance does not prevent us from helping him either materially or immaterially. There are many media that make it easy for us to provide help and support. We can even provide material support from a distance by using an online delivery service application.
In times of uncertainty, many untrue news circulated in the wider community. Especially with the restrictions on activities implemented by the government with the aim of suppressing the rapid rate of population growth exposed to Covid-19, making people experience emotional instability. Even when many people are still exposed to Covid-19, even though they have been vaccinated twice, it raises doubts in some community groups about the effectiveness of vaccines in warding off the virus.
The national target for vaccination is 208,265,720 people in Indonesia. As of July 27, 2021, more than 18 million people have received the second stage of vaccination. This is a big challenge for the Covid-19 Task Force team to be able to carry out the mission to create "Herd Immunity" so that the chain of Covid-19 transmission can be broken.
The task will be even more difficult if there are still many people who are not cooperative with this government program. Many reasons are given by the community so that they are not vaccinated. Even though we know that the benefits of vaccines are enormous, even though someone who has been vaccinated is still possible to be infected with the virus, the immunity that is already in his body will be better able to fight the virus.
Come on... invite our dear friends who are still afraid or don't want to be vaccinated to want to be vaccinated. With vaccines, we can take care of each other, so that this dangerous virus no longer casts a frightening shadow on our lives and that of our friends. Let's face this pandemic together so that it can end quickly, and we can meet our friends physically without any more fear.

#Friendship Day
#Support Vaccination
#Taking care of each other

Note: Image source
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