Training of SKKRT and SKLNPT of 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Training of SKKRT and SKLNPT of 2022

Training of SKKRT and SKLNPT of 2022

March 24, 2022 | BPS Activities

BPS Salatiga Municipality held a Training for the Special Survey for Household Consumption (SKKRT) and the Special Survey for Quarterly Non-Profit Institutions (SKLNPT). The event was held on March 17, 2022 at the BPS Hall of Salatiga Municipality. The SKKRT and SKLNPT training activities were attended by 13 participants consisting of 5 organic people from BPS Salatiga Municipality and 8 best statistical partners.
The event, which was hosted by regional instructor Renaldhi Priyantomo, S.S.T., discussed the methodology, concept definition, procedures for field data collection, and evaluation based on the previous year's implementation. In addition, the event also held a discussion session which was quite interactive.
The results of the SKKRT and SKLNPT surveys are one of the sources for calculating GRDP on the components of household consumption and consumption of non-profit institutions. The household consumption component is the largest contributor to the economy of Salatiga Municipality. In 2021, the contribution of the SKKRT component is 63.01 percent.
SKKRT and SKLNPT activities will be carried out quarterly, so that in one year there will be four survey activities. The first phase of SKKRT data collection will be carried out from March 21 to April 14 2022, while the SKLNPT will be carried out from the first week to the second week of April 2022.
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