Temporary Closing of Direct Visits to BPS Salatiga's Library - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

To get data from Statistics Salatiga, please come to Statistical Integrated Services of Statistics Salatiga on km 01 of Hasanudin Street, Dukuh, Sidomukti, Salatiga on weekdays (Monday-Thursday at 08:00 to 15:30 and Friday from 08:00 to 16:00)

If you need our services or have a complaint, please convey it via WA Service and Complaints (WULAN) BPS of Salatiga Municipality at Number: 089633030002

Guna identifikasi kebutuhan data konsumen, meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dan kualitas data, silakan isi Survei Kebutuhan Data pada tautan berikut: http://s.bps.go.id/SKD2024_BPS_Kota_Salatiga

Temporary Closing of Direct Visits to BPS Salatiga's Library

 Temporary Closing of Direct Visits to BPS Salatiga's Library

July 5, 2021 | Other Activities

We are notified to Salatiga City BPS data users, given the increasing concern about the pace of the spread of Covid-19 in Salatiga City, direct visit services to the Salatiga City BPS Integrated Statistics Service (PST) will be temporarily suspended starting Monday, July 5, 2021.

However, users can still access Salatiga City BPS data through the website (salatigakota.bps.go.id) and send data requests via email (bps3373@bps.go.id).

Stay safe and stay healthy.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Salatiga

Jl. Hasanudin Km 01 Dukuh Sidomukti Salatiga 50722

Telp/Fax (0298) 326319 Mailbox : bps3373@bps.go.id





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