BPS-Statistics of Salatiga Municipality Award, Motivation to Become an Exemplary Statistician - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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BPS-Statistics of Salatiga Municipality Award, Motivation to Become an Exemplary Statistician

BPS-Statistics of Salatiga Municipality Award, Motivation to Become an Exemplary Statistician

February 7, 2024 | Other Activities

Wednesday, February 7 2024, BPS-Statistics of Salatiga Municipality again held an event to give Rewards/Awards to employee of BPS-Statistics of Salatiga Municipality for 2023. This event was held after the February official meeting session ended. The awards given to Salatiga City BPS employees include 8 (eight) award categories. These awards include the Most Responsive Employee LHKPN 2023, Responsive Employee Reporting SPT 2023, Employee with the Fastest Submission of SKP 2023, Change Ambassador 2024, Disciplined Employee Daily Performance Reporting 2023, Employee with Zero KJK, Best Performing Employee Fourth Quarter 2023, and Exemplary Employee 2023. The event, which was hosted by two talented BPS-Statistics of Salatiga Municipality presenters, was lively and received a very positive response from all Salatiga City BPS employees.
Employees who won the award received souvenirs and certificates from the Head of BPS-Statistics of Salatiga Municipality. This event is a routine event held every quarter at BPS Salatiga City. Giving awards to outstanding employees is not only to provide rewards to employees but also to provide motivation to others so they can also excel so as to realize ASN with BerAKHLAK, especially in the BPS Salatiga City environment.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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Jl. Hasanudin Km 01 Dukuh Sidomukti Salatiga 50722

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