Head of BPS Central Java Visits Long Form SP2020 Evaluation - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Head of BPS Central Java Visits Long Form SP2020 Evaluation

Head of BPS Central Java Visits Long Form SP2020 Evaluation

June 23, 2022 | BPS Activities

On Thursday 9 June 2022 BPS Salatiga City carried out an evaluation of the Long Form SP2020 activities which were attended by all Long Form SP2020 officers which were divided into 2 meeting sessions. However, before the evaluation began, the Head of BPS Central Java Province, Mr. Adhi Wiriana, who was also present on the same day, gave directions to all employees of BPS Salatiga City regarding employee transfers, position formations, and several matters related to staffing at BPS Central Java Province. , especially at BPS Salatiga City. He came to BPS Salatiga City in the context of supervising the Long Form SP2020 field data collection.

The supervision of the Long Form SP2020 field data collection by Mr. Adhi Wiriana was carried out in the Dukuh sub-district, Salatiga. The supervision activity was accompanied by the Head of BPS Salatiga City and officers in the Dukuh area. This supervision activity aims to monitor the quality of SOP implementation in the field and also the quality of the contents. With the field supervision of the Long Form SP2020, it is expected to increase the results of data collection while in the field so that it can produce quality population data from BPS.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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Jl. Hasanudin Km 01 Dukuh Sidomukti Salatiga 50722

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