Inauguration&Oath-taking of Functional Officials of State Budget of the BPS Salatiga Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Inauguration&Oath-taking of Functional Officials of State Budget of the BPS Salatiga Municipality

Inauguration&Oath-taking of Functional Officials of State Budget of the BPS Salatiga Municipality

May 27, 2021 | Other Activities

On Tuesday (06/04/21) an inauguration and oath-taking of certain functional positions was carried out by the Central Java Province BPS. This inauguration was carried out virtually through a zoom meeting and was attended by the Salatiga City BPS and other Regency / City BPS. Officers who are inaugurated are officials who have gone through the inpassing process / adjustments in certain functional positions, including functional positions for the procurement of goods and services, functions for procurement of goods and services, functional analysts for APBN financial management, functional for state budget financial institutions, and functional statistics.

The inauguration was chaired directly by the Head of the Central Java Province BPS, Sentot Bangun Widoyono and witnessed by the ranks of the Central Java Province BPS and the District / City BPS while still paying attention to the Health protocol (prokes). One of the employees inaugurated at the event will carry out the duties as a functional official of the state budget financial institution at BPS Salatiga City.

The Head of Central Java BPS said that so far the financial management of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) is still not optimal, there are still many things that need to be improved to improve the quality and accountability of state financial management. He advised the functional officials who would carry out the duties as state budget financial management analysts and state budget financial institutions to improve financial administration to be better, tidier, more orderly, and well recorded and documented in order to have readiness during financial audits by the BPS inspectorate and Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

He emphasized that functional officials must have Learning agility which is defined as the willingness and ability to learn from experience, then apply what has been learned to gain success in new situations. Learning agility is divided into four dimensions, namely: 1). People agility: a person knows himself well, learns from experience, builds up on each other and is resilient in the pressure of change; 2). Results agility: a person who gets results under difficult conditions, inspires others, and builds confidence in others with his presence; 3). Mental agility: people who think about a problem from a new perspective and feel comfortable with ambiguity, complexity and explaining their thinking to others; 4) Change agility: people who are curious, have a passion for ideas and are involved in skills improvement activities.

Congratulations to the officials who have been inaugurated. Hopefully the management of state finances within the Central Java BPS (especially the Salatiga City BPS, red) will be better and more efficient and will still maintain the principles of transparency and accountability. Let us jointly oversee the ongoing bureaucratic reform process so that it will create a good democratic climate in order to create better state governance (good governance).

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