Inauguration of Statistics Corner and Guest Lecture of State Islamic University (UIN) Salatiga - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Inauguration of Statistics Corner and Guest Lecture of State Islamic University (UIN) Salatiga

Inauguration of Statistics Corner and Guest Lecture of State Islamic University (UIN) Salatiga

July 19, 2024 | Other Activities

On July 19, 2024, BPS-Statistics Salatiga Municipality together with the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI) UIN Salatiga inaugurated the first statistics corner in Salatiga Municipality. This Statistics Corner is a collaborative forum between the BPS and the university environment to promote and disseminate information about statistics, as well as increase statistical data literacy, especially for academics and the general public.

The inauguration of the UIN Salatiga Statistics Corner on Friday (19/07/2024) received extraordinary attention because it was inaugurated directly by Dr. Eng. Imam Machdi, M.T., Plt. Main Secretary of BPS RI and Deputy for Methodology and Statistical Information of BPS RI. The inauguration ceremony was marked by a ribbon cutting by the Deputy of BPS RI, Vice Chancellor 1 Prof. Muh. Saerozi, M.Ag., and Head of BPS Central Java Province Ir. Endang Tri Wahyuningsih, MM., Vice Rector 1 accompanied by the Dean of FEBI, Mochlasin, M.Ag., administrators, and the CFRD team. Also witnessing the inauguration were the Main Inspector of BPS Dr. Dadang Hardiwan, S.Si., M.Si., Director of Statistics Dissemination of BPS Dwi Retno Wilujeng Wahyu Utami, S.Si., M.Si., and Head of BPS Salatiga City Aguskadaryanto, S.ST.

In his speech at the inauguration of the Statistics Corner, the Deputy for Methodology and Statistics Information of BPS expressed his hope that the Statistics Corner could continue to operate and provide benefits to the academic community of FEBI UIN Salatiga. He also gave a guest lecture entitled "Sustainable Development Based on Statistics in the Era of Digital Technology Towards Society 6.0," which explained the important role of BPS in supporting national development, one of which is as a provider of quality data. The development of a national statistical system in universities is carried out through the Statistics Corner. Collaboration in the national statistical system is directed at building the capacity of statistical organizers, data sources, and statistical literacy in organizing statistics and formulating policies.

#Statistics Corner
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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