Focus Group Discussion on Salatiga Municipality in Numbers Publication 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Focus Group Discussion on Salatiga Municipality in Numbers Publication 2021

 Focus Group Discussion on Salatiga Municipality in Numbers Publication 2021

February 18, 2021 | Other Activities

Salatiga Satu Data, in principle, is that data produced by data producers must meet data standards, metadata, data interoperability rules and use reference codes and / or master data. This was explained by the Head of the Salatiga City Communication and Information Service, Drs Prasetiyo Ichtiarto, M.Si in the Focus Group Discussion on Publication of the City of Salatiga in Numbers 2021 held by the Salatiga City Central Statistics Agency on February 16, 2021 at Kayu Arum Resort Salatiga. The event was attended by 17 institutions both from the local government of the city of Salatiga and from vertical agencies in the Salatiga area.

In line with the Kadis Kominfo, the Head of the Salatiga City Statistics Agency, Satriono S.Si, MM explained that Satu Data Indonesia is a government data management policy to produce accurate, up-to-date, integrated and accountable data, as well as easily accessible and shared among agencies. Central and Regional Agencies through compliance with Data Standards, Metadata, Data Interoperability, and using Reference Codes and Master Data.

Basically, the implementation of this FGD aims to coordinate and verify sectoral statistical data from OPDs / institutions / institutions as data producers, in order to obtain data that is maintained in quality. At the same time, it is a follow-up activity to create a one data forum in the City of Salatiga.

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