Focus Group Discussion Survey of PMTB Disaggregation, PODES dan SUTAS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Focus Group Discussion Survey of PMTB Disaggregation, PODES dan SUTAS

Focus Group Discussion Survey of PMTB Disaggregation, PODES dan SUTAS

April 25, 2018 | Other Activities

BPS of Salatiga Municipality held Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to socialize activities of PMTB Disaggregation Survey, PODES 2018 and SUTAS 2018 on 24 April 2018 at Grand Merapi Hall of Hotel Laras Asri Salatiga. The event was officially opened by Muh. Haris,the vice mayor of Salatiga Municipality. On the occasion, he welcomed and fully supported the efforts of BPS to obtain the data quality. He also called for respondents to respond with the actual answers according to the conditions.

The event presented 2 speakers, Henri Wagiyanto, as Head of Statistic of Salatiga Municipality and Jadi Amali, Head of Planning Economic Development of Bapelitbangda Salatiga Municipality. Participants who attended were survey respondents Disaggregation of PMTB consisting of leaders of financial companies, non financial companies, and some Local Government Organization (OPD) in Salatiga. For support collection of data PODES 2018, BPS invite the head of subdistrict and urban village of Salatiga, and also invite the farmer groups to support SUTAS 2018.

Henri Wagiyanto explained that BPS will conduct three major activities to support the national priorities of business and tourism development (Dissemination Survey of PMTB 2018), regional development (PODES 2018) and Food Security (SUTAS 2018). The implementation of these three activities is scheduled from May to June 2018.
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