Farming Cost Structure Survey 2017 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Farming Cost Structure Survey 2017

Farming Cost Structure Survey 2017

June 13, 2017 | BPS Activities

Farming Cost Structure Survey or called SOUT, in 2017 is integrated between the Food Crops Cost Structure with Livestock Service Cost Structure Survey. The implementation of this survey is designed to be conducted every three years.

The main objective of this survey is to obtain accurate statistical data about food crops and livestock sub-sector in the form of food crops and livestock business cost structure, profile of food crops farmers and livestock keepers.

In Salatiga Municipality, this Survey activity begins with updating households on the Selected Census Block by previously trained Officers. For Salatiga Municipality, the officers are trained in Semarang Municipality by officers from Statistics-Central Java. Updating households in the selected Census Block was conducted in the first and second weeks of April 2017. Furthermore, the updated list of household are proccessed and sampled.

Number of household samples of this survey in Salatiga Municipality is as many as 140 respondents for food crops and 286 respondents for livestock business. The implementation of household sample enumeration was conducted from May 1, 2017 until June 30, 2017.
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