March 2023 National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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March 2023 National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS)

March 2023 National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS)

March 14, 2023 | BPS Activities

The National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) is designed to collect relatively broad social demographic data. The data collected, among others, concerns the sectors of education, health/nutrition, housing, other socio-economic, socio-cultural activities, household consumption/expenditure and income, travel, and public opinion regarding household welfare. SUSENAS data is used for planning and evaluating national development programs, Planning and Evaluation of Sectoral Development Programs (Ministries/Agencies) and Provision of SDG's Indicators, RPJMN and Nawacita. While the indicators generated from SUSENAS data include Macro Development Target Indicators, RPJMN Indicators and SDG's Indicators. Meanwhile, 3 of the 11 macro development targets for 2020-2024 are calculated using SUSENAS data.

BPS City of Salatiga conducted data collection for the March 2023 SUSENAS sample of 570 respondents in Salatiga City. The data collection schedule is from 1 to 20 March 2023. Data collection at SUSENAS in March 2023 consists of 2 (two) questionnaires, namely Cor (VSEN23.K) and Module (VSEN23.KP). Collecting data that is general in nature and is carried out every year where the scope of data includes:

a. General description of household members (art)

b. Information on the ethnicity of the head of the household (krt)

c. Description of death

d. Information about health

e. Education description

f. Description of employment activities

g. Fertility statement

h. Housing description

i. Description of technology and information

j. Information on average household consumption/expenditure and the main source of household income

k. Other socioeconomic information

l. Description of the area of ​​agricultural land

m. Consumption/expenditure and household income module

We really hope for the participation of the people of Salatiga City in the March 2023 SUSENAS Data Collection by receiving our officers and providing real answers.

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