Gender Development Index of Salatiga Municipality 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Gender Development Index of Salatiga Municipality 2023

Release Date : May 22, 2024
File Size : 1.21 MB


  • The success of Human Development in the Salatiga Municipality is shown by the increasing Human Development Index, where in 2020 the HDI for the Salatiga Municipality was 95.07 and reached 95.40 in 2023. Since 2015 the HDI for the Salatiga Municipality has entered the Very High Category HDI and is in the in 2023 it has increased.
  • The ideal condition in human development that is expected is that male and female population groups have equal access to development and receive benefits from equal and fair development.
  • To obtain information on human development achievements that include gender aspects, the IPG (Gender Development Index) is calculated.
  • To calculate the IPG you need to calculate the HDI for men and women. HDI is formed by 3 (three) basic dimensions, long and healthy life, knowledge, and decent living standards.
  • Throughout 2020 to 2023, the IPG of Salatiga Municipality is getting closer to 100, which indicates that the development gap between men and women in Salatiga is getting smaller, namely 95.07 in 2020, then 95.25 in 2021, 95.23 in 2022, and will be 95.40 in 2023. This shows that development between the male population and the female population is becoming more equal.
  • The 2023 HDI and IPG figures in the Official Statistics News use the basic life expectancy results of the 2020 Population Census, thereby revising the previous year's figures which still used the basic life expectacy results of the 2010 Population Census.
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