Training of Susenas 2025 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Training of Susenas 2025

Training of Susenas 2025

January 24, 2025 | BPS Activities

The National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) is a survey that is routinely carried out by BPS including BPS-Statistics of Salatiga Municipality. This survey captures the social and economic conditions of society. The collected data will then be processed and produce important indicators to support government policy. The resulting indicators include poverty, education, health and household consumption.
Before carrying out data collection activities, so that each officer has the same perception and understanding of the various questions in the questionnaire, officer training is carried out. Training is carried out in a hybrid manner with 3 days online and 1 day offline (2 days for Seruti officers). The training activity began with an opening by Aguskadaryanto as head of BPS-Statistics of Salatiga Municipality. In his speech he conveyed the importance of the data collected so that all officers must take photos according to the actual situation, guided by the enumeration guidelines and complying with all the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that have been determined.
The training was guided by Dite Taufiq Musthafa as National Instructor and attended by 56 officers divided into 2 waves. The first wave will be held on 13-16 and the second wave will be held on 20-24 January 2025. After the training, it is hoped that all officers will be ready to collect data and produce quality data as a basis for policy making.
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