SERUTI Coordination Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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SERUTI Coordination Meeting

SERUTI Coordination Meeting

June 25, 2024 | BPS Activities

The Quarterly Household Economic Survey (Seruti) is a household-based survey which is an integration of three surveys, namely the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas), Survey Special Quarterly Household Consumption (SKKRT), and Special Survey on Savings and Household Investment (SKTIR). This survey was carried out to reduce duplication of activities and increase efficiency, as well as produce higher quality household economic statistical data. The importance of maintaining the quality of household economic statistical data is urgent because this data is one of the data sources in preparing GRDP according to expenditure. 

In 2023, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) will carry out quarterly Seruti activities which are integrated with March Susenas activities (first quarter) and are independent activities in June, September and November (II, III and IV quarters). In 2024, Seruti activities will continue, where in quarters I and III this activity will be integrated with Susenas March and September 2024, while in quarters II and IV it will be an independent activity.

For Seruti, the second quarter of 2024 will be held on 27 June 2024 – 6 July 2024 for 20 sample households. In the context of implementing Seruti for the second quarter of 2024, BPS Salatiga City held a preparatory meeting which was held on June 24 2024. In this activity, concepts and definitions were refreshed before officers carried out data collection in the field. Refreshing concepts and definitions were delivered by the First Expert Statistician of BPS Salatiga City, Ditte Taufik Mustafa. In this activity, the Head of BPS Salatiga City, Aguskadaryanto, also conveyed instructions regarding the importance of maintaining data quality since data collection. Risk mitigation is also presented so that all parties can anticipate to prevent failure in implementing Seruti.
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