Coordination Meeting for Initial Socio-Economic Registration (REGSOSEK) 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Coordination Meeting for Initial Socio-Economic Registration (REGSOSEK) 2022

Coordination Meeting for Initial Socio-Economic Registration (REGSOSEK) 2022

September 20, 2022 | BPS Activities

Tuesday, September 20, 2022, the Central Bureau of Statistics of Salatiga City held a Coordination Meeting for the Initial Data Collection for Socio-Economic Registration (REGSOSEK) 2022 at the Ballroom of the Grand Merapi Hotel Laras Asri Salatiga. At the event which was attended by the PJ Mayor of Salatiga, BPS Salatiga City disseminated the 2022 REGSOSEK activities to the Head of OPD and Lurah within the Salatiga City Government.


The keynote speaker of this event, PJ Mayor of Salatiga Sinung Rachmadi, MM emphasized the things that must be followed in the 2022 REGSOSEK activities in Salatiga City, namely Synergy, Integrity and Publicity. The event continued with a panel presentation from Drs. Budi Prasetiyono, M.Si (Head of the Salatiga City Communication and Information Office), Basuki Tedjosugondo, SH (Salatiga City Social Service) and Satriono, S.Si, MM (Head of the Salatiga City Central Statistics Agency). The question and answer session between the panel presentation presenter and the audience was warm.


The REGSOSEK 2022 field activity will be held on October 15 – November 14, 2022. The Head of OPD and Lurah within the Salatiga City Government and the Salatiga City community in general are expected to help make it a success and support it.


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