Development of the Love-Statistics Village (Cantik) of Bugel Subdistrict - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Development of the Love-Statistics Village (Cantik) of Bugel Subdistrict

Development of the Love-Statistics Village (Cantik) of Bugel Subdistrict

June 12, 2024 | Other Activities

Love-Statistics Village (Desa Cantik) is a sectoral statistics development activity at the village level. This program aims to increase awareness and understanding of village/subdistrict officials regarding the importance of statistics in village/subdistrict planning and development.

Wednesday (12-06-2024), the BPS-Statistics Salatiga Municipality carried out development of a Desa Cantik in Bugel Village, Sidorejo District, Salatiga Municipality. This activity was attended by Bugel Village officials and staff, elements from the BPS-Statistics Salatiga Municipality, elements from the Communication and Information Service of Salatiga Municipality, and a team of data collectors or statistical agents for Bugel Village. Four speakers were presented at the event. Dian Indriasari, SH, MM (Head of Statistics and Coding, Diskominfo, Salatiga Municipality), Sri Irijanti, S.ST, M.Si (First Expert Statistician of BPS-Statistics Salatiga Municipality), Aminah Muti'atul Hidayati, SE (TP PKK, Bugel Village), and Lambang Parmono, S.IP (Secretary of Bugel Village). The material presented was the Salatiga One Data Policy, Increasing Community Participation in Regional Development, the Role of the PKK in the Bugel Cinta Statistik Subdistrict, and Technical Instructions for Data Collection Questionnaires.

In 2024, BPS-Statistics Salatiga Municipality will carry out development of Desa Cantik in 3 selected subdistricts, namely Randuacir Subdistrict, Bugel Subdistrict, and Kecandran Subdistrict. Through this activity, it is hoped that it can increase the capacity of sub-districts in identifying data needs and their potential as well as being more concerned with statistics so that data is used in development in an informative and targeted manner.

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