Training for 2023 Agricultural Census Officers of Statistics of Salatiga Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Training for 2023 Agricultural Census Officers of Statistics of Salatiga Municipality

Training for 2023 Agricultural Census Officers of Statistics of Salatiga Municipality

May 22, 2023 | BPS Activities

Statistics of Salatiga Municipality today held the 2023 Agricultural Census Officer Training (ST2023). This activity will be held at the Grand Wahid Hotel Salatiga from 22 – 29 May 2023. The officer training will be attended by 86 participants who will be divided into 2 batches. Batch I was held on 22-25 May 2023 and consisted of 2 classes, while wave II was held on 26-29 May 2023 and consisted of 1 class.
Head of the Statistics of Salatiga Municipality, Satriono, S.Si, MM in his remarks said the aim of the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) was to provide a comprehensive picture of agricultural conditions in Indonesia down to the smallest area, then improve the quality of agricultural statistics and improve the quality of policy design: reference in formulation of strategic policies in the agricultural sector.
It is hoped that the results of the 2023 Agricultural Census can answer global and national agricultural issues that are currently being faced, namely food security, quality and food security (nutrition) and social, economic and environmental sustainability. The results of the 2023 Agricultural Census are a basis for designing future (pathways) for agriculture and food going forward
It was further explained, the implementation of ST2023 will be carried out on 1 June - 30 July 2023 which will record all agricultural businesses such as food crop agriculture, horticulture, plantations, fisheries, animal husbandry, forestry or other agricultural services in the Salatiga Municipality.
He hopes that all training participants will be enthusiastic about participating in this training and can understand the material well, because officers in the field will be the spearhead in determining the quality of ST2023 data. Therefore mastery of concepts, good probing skills by officers, and the maximum role of supervisors will be needed. Finally, he advised all prospective officers to never betray the trust given and carry out their duties with full responsibility.
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