July 28, 2021 | BPS Activities
BPS-Statistics Indonesia conducted a Community Behavior Survey During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period on July 3-20 2021. Respondents from the people of Salatiga City who had filled out the survey were 662 people. The results of the survey conducted can provide an overview of the behavior of the people of Salatiga City during the latest Covid-19 Pandemic.
The government has instructed the public to implement the 5 M as a precaution against the spread of the Covid 19 virus. Wear masks, wash hands with soap or hand sanitiser, maintain distance, avoid crowds and limit mobility and interaction. The use of double masks (medical masks inside and cloth masks outside) is recommended to be more protected from the spread of the virus.
The condition of the people of Salatiga City in their behavior towards the prevention of the Covid-19 virus shows that compliance/frequent use of masks that are not duplicate is high enough at 60.42 percent as well as compliance/often done to washing hands with soap/hand sanitiser by 55.58 percent. . Actions of compliance/often carried out by people who are still below 50 percent include: using double masks by 32.48 percent; maintain a minimum distance of two meters by 40.33 percent; avoiding crowds by 44.71 percent; and reduce mobility by 48.49 percent.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Salatiga
Jl. Hasanudin Km 01 Dukuh Sidomukti Salatiga 50722
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