Admission of Candidates for Census/Survey BPS Salatiga City FY 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Admission of Candidates for Census/Survey BPS Salatiga City FY 2021

Admission of Candidates for Census/Survey BPS Salatiga City FY 2021

June 21, 2021 | BPS Activities

In accordance with the vision of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) which is "Provider of Quality Statistical Data for Advanced Indonesia". BPS Salatiga City always tries to carry out statistical data collection activities as well as possible. From July to November 2021, BPS Salatiga City requires officers/partners in Census/Survey activities to obtain quality statistical data.

In order to fulfill the need for statistical officers/partners who will be tasked with collecting data, BPS Salatiga City opens the Admission of Candidates for Census/Survey Officers for Fiscal Year 2021. The requirements and qualifications of prospective census/survey officers can be seen in the following file:

Announcement of Admission of Candidates for Census/Survey Officers for FY 2021

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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