Directory of Tourism Service Providers Updating of Salatiga Municipality 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Directory of Tourism Service Providers Updating of Salatiga Municipality 2021

Directory of Tourism Service Providers Updating of Salatiga Municipality 2021

March 15, 2021 | BPS Activities

The tourism sector is one of the 5 (five) priority sectors for national development. So that information / data related to the characteristics of up-to-date tourism service businesses is indispensable to identify and evaluate the success of development in this sector.

The tourism service business is constantly changing from time to time, so it is necessary to update the data regularly to obtain up-to-date information about the existence and characteristics of the tourism service business.

The updating of tourism service provider data was carried out by the Central Bureau of Statistics, from January to March during the “Updating the Directory of Tourism Service Providers”. The purpose of this activity is to maintain the availability of information on the existence of tourism service provider businesses that are still active, which is useful as a sample frame for various surveys as well as for other purposes related to Tourism Statistics.

Updating the Directory of Tourism Service Providers is carried out by quoting administrative data available in various agencies / institutions such as the Tourism Office, DPMPTSP, as well as based on information from the website. Furthermore, the matching between the data obtained from various sources is carried out with the tourism service business directory at BPS, then field checks are carried out to ensure that there are new businesses or businesses that are closed.

The scope of tourism service providers includes: tourist attractions, tourism areas, tourism transportation services, tour travel services, food and beverage services, accommodation providers, entertainment and recreation activities, tourism information services, tourism consulting services, tour guides and tour interpreters, tours. tirta, as well as fitness activities. However, due to the wide scope of tourism service business activities and the limited time for updating activities, the current focus of activities is on accommodation providers and food and beverage providers.

This year's update activity has identified relatively many new businesses, both "accommodation providers" and "food and beverage providers" in the City of Salatiga. It is likely that the tourism service business will continue to grow because the city of Salatiga is located at the Joglosemar (Jogja - Solo - Semarang) intersection which is busy being crossed by tourists.

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