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Guna identifikasi kebutuhan data konsumen, meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dan kualitas data, silakan isi Survei Kebutuhan Data pada tautan berikut:
The percentage of poor people in March 2024 was 4.57 percent, decreased 0.09 percentage points compared to March 2023.
The number of poor people in March 2024 was 9.33 thousand people, decreased 0.08 thousand people compared to March 2023.
The Poverty Line in March 2024 was recorded at IDR 596,659.00/capita/month, an increase compared to March 2023 which was only IDR 565,031.00/capita/month.
In Semester I 2024, on average, households in Salatiga City had 2.91 household members, so the average Poverty Line per poor household was IDR 1,736,278.00/poor household/month.