Macro Data Discussion (DISKO) Series 2: Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) Q3 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Macro Data Discussion (DISKO) Series 2: Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) Q3 2024

Macro Data Discussion (DISKO) Series 2: Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) Q3 2024

December 18, 2024 | Other Activities

Wednesday, December 18, 2024, BPS-Statistics Salatiga Municipality held Macro Data Discussion (DISKO) Series 2 with the theme of Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB). This discussion discussed various things including the method of calculating PDRB, the difference in PDRB from the production and expenditure side, and the difference in PDRB based on current prices and constant prices. The speaker also presented PDRB derivative indicators and how to read each PDRB table that was released.

DISKO series 2 was held to coincide with the release of the quarterly PDRB which was just launched on December 16, 2024. In the future, BPS at the Regency/Municipality level throughout Indonesia will release quarterly PDRB with the following release schedule: March 25 release of PDRB data conditions up to Quarter IV of the previous year, June 15 release of data conditions up to Quarter I of the current year, September 15 release of data conditions up to Quarter II of the current year, and December 15 release of data conditions up to Quarter III of the current year. In general, quarterly GRDP in Regency/Municipality will be released approximately 1.5 months after the release of quarterly GRDP at national and provincial levels.

For data presentation, quarterly GRDP from the business sector side is released according to three economic sectors, namely primary, secondary and tertiary. The Primary Sector consists of the Agricultural and Mining Business Sectors. The Secondary Sector consists of the Industrial, Electricity and Gas, Water, and Construction Business Sectors. For the Tertiary Sector, most of it consists of the service sector Business Sectors such as Trade, Transportation, Accommodation and Food and Beverage, Infocom, Finance, Real Estate, Corporate Services, Government, Education Services, Health Services, and Other Services. From the expenditure side, quarterly GRDP is released according to the components of Household Final Expenditure (PK-RT), Government Final Expenditure (PK-P), Gross Fixed Capital Formation (PMTB) and Other Components. The components that form the other components are Final Expenditure of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households (LNPRT), Changes in Inventory and Net Exports (Exports-Imports).

Based on the results of the GRDP release for the third quarter of 2024, the economy of Salatiga Municiplaity experienced growth of 0.95 percent Q to Q and 5.54 percent both Y on Y and C to C. The largest contributor to building GRDP in terms of business fields was the tertiary sector at 48.19 percent, while in terms of expenditure, PK-RT was the largest contributor with a contribution of 61.68 percent.

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