October 18, 2024 | Other Activities
On Friday (18/10/2024) BPS Statistic Salatiga
Municipality held the SEHATI (Sehat Hati Tambah Iman) event, which is one of
the Change Ambassador activity programs which aims to balance the spiritual
needs of employees.
SEHATI this time is a follow-up to the
results of the 2024 Survei Budaya Organisasi (SBO) or Organizational Culture
Survey. SBO aims to obtain an overview of the implementation of BerAKHLAK in
BPS during 2024 by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the
implementation of BerAKHLAK behavior in BPS Work Units, as well as being one of
the determining indicators next program of change management activities. Based
on the SBO results at BPS Salatiga City, the value that needs to be improved is
the Adaptive Value.
The theme raised in this activity is
Becoming a Productive, Adaptive and Happy Person. Delivery of material by Mrs.
Widayati Lestari, S.Ag, S.Psi, M.Psi. He is a lecturer at UIN Salatiga,
counselor and writer.
Several things that can be concluded
from the presentation of this material include:
1. In order to be a productive person,
we must recognize and organize our roles and then optimize the allocation of
our time. Apart from that, we have to work hard, work smart and be adaptive to
2. The ability to adapt is important
because life is always changing so we have to learn to position ourselves with
other people and community groups in order to survive.
3. What we can do is be open to
change, have a positive mindset, communicate well, learn new cultures, maintain
health and remain consistent in positive things.
After this SEHATI event, it is hoped
that BPS Statistic Salatiga Municipality employees will be more creative and
innovative, ready to face change and uncertainty and enthusiastic in working,
taking initiative/proactive.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Salatiga
Jl. Hasanudin Km 01 Dukuh Sidomukti Salatiga 50722
Telp/Fax (0298) 326319 Mailbox : bps3373@bps.go.id
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