Socialization of the Srikandi Application - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Socialization of the Srikandi Application

Socialization of the Srikandi Application

September 24, 2024 | Other Activities

Srikandi is an Integrated Dynamic Archival Information System launched by the National Archive Ministry. This application must be implemented in correspondence activities across all ministries, agencies, and offices, including the BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics) of Salatiga City.

As part of the effort to implement this application, BPS Salatiga held a knowledge-sharing session on how to create and send outgoing letters and check the disposition of incoming letters.

The speaker for this Tuesday Knowledge Enhancement event was Mutiaraningtyas Sukmawati, Amd. In addition to explaining the stages of creating official correspondence, the speaker also guided participants in practicing the use of the Srikandi application. Through this activity, it is hoped that all employees will be able to implement the Srikandi application in their official correspondence activities.

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