Training for Map Processing Officers and Landmark of ST2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Training for Map Processing Officers and Landmark of ST2023

Training for Map Processing Officers and Landmark of ST2023

July 27, 2023 | BPS Activities

Agricultural Census field activities have been completed. The next series of activities is processing activities. In addition to processing data collection documents, maps and building points generated from the Agricultural Census were also processed.
Prior to carrying out processing activities, BPS City of Salatiga had carried out a recruitment of prospective officers which was carried out in early July. Three officers who passed the selection and one organic officer then attended training for staff processing of ST2023 map and building points which was held by BPS Central Java Province in Semarang for three days (24-26 July 2023). This training is a means for staff processing maps and building points resulting from ST2023 from regency/city BPS so that they gain uniform knowledge and understanding to be able to carry out map processing and building points resulting from ST2023 at their respective regency/city BPS, including BPS City of Salatiga. Map processing is scheduled to begin this August.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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