POPULATION CENSUS STILL CONTINUING - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

To get data from Statistics Salatiga, please come to Statistical Integrated Services of Statistics Salatiga on km 01 of Hasanudin Street, Dukuh, Sidomukti, Salatiga on weekdays (Monday-Thursday at 08:00 to 15:30 and Friday from 08:00 to 16:00)

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Guna identifikasi kebutuhan data konsumen, meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dan kualitas data, silakan isi Survei Kebutuhan Data pada tautan berikut: http://s.bps.go.id/SKD2024_BPS_Kota_Salatiga



November 24, 2021 | BPS Activities

The 2020 Population Census (SP2020) is the seventh population census in Indonesia after the independence in 1945. The Population Census is a national activity that implemented by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) based on the mandate of Law No. 16 1997 on Statistics and in line with United Nations recommendations (UN). The SP2020 activity aims to obtain strategic population baseline data and as an effort to realize One Indonesian Population Data.

The series of SP2020 activities are divided into two stages, namely population data collection using a simple questionnaire (short form) in 2020 and later followed by data collection using a more detailed questionnaire (long form) through sample census activity in 2021. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Salatiga City, starting on October 17, 2021, through field officers will conduct door-to-door data collection in sample households, which should end on October 31, 2021, extended until November this. All BPS officers are equipped with a letter of assignment and PPE as an effort to always maintain strict health protocols, to protect both officers and respondents.

Data collection on this long form SP2020 activity uses the CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview). CAPI method data collection activities are carried out with the help of portable devices (tablets/smartphones). With the introduction of the CAPI method, officers expected to be able to adapt to changes that occur, including being able to adapt to the use of gadgets that will be used for data collection.

In addition to providing continuous basic population data, specifically this pre-update data collection is for: Updating/updating the list of families or households based on the results of SP2020. Updating/updating building points on the WB-2020 map. As an illustration of the cases found in the field so that more mature planning can be carried out for the SP2020 long form activities next year.

It is hoped that all levels of Salatiga City society will receive visits and give good answers to BPS officers in realizing quality statistical data for Advanced Indonesia.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Salatiga

Jl. Hasanudin Km 01 Dukuh Sidomukti Salatiga 50722

Telp/Fax (0298) 326319 Mailbox : bps3373@bps.go.id





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