Medical Check Up - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Salatiga Municipality

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Medical Check Up

Medical Check Up

October 26, 2021 | Other Activities

Health is a blessing that we should always be grateful for. A healthy body can support us to worship more optimally. One way to be grateful for this healthy favor can be done by maintaining health. When sick, the costs incurred can be more expensive than the cost of prevention before illness. “Prevention is better than cure” should be a real action in life and not just a slogan.

The Central Statistics Agency as one of the government institutions, cannot be separated from always improving facilities and infrastructure in order to support the development process. As a Provider of Quality Data for Advanced Indonesia, the BPS-Statistics not only strives to prioritize improving the quality of business process results, but also strives to improve the quality of human resources as actors in the business process. Healthy employees are the main capital to complete the duties and responsibilities of the institution.

In October 2021, the Central Bureau of Statistics of Salatiga City held a complete medical check-up (Medical Check Up) for all employees in its environment, both civil servants and PPNPN employees. Medical check-ups are carried out to determine health conditions and detect a disease early on. The earlier a disease is detected, the faster treatment can be given. Thus, the disease does not progress to a more serious stage, while preventing more complicated treatment.

Medical Check Up was carried out at the Salatiga City Regional General Hospital, by checking blood sugar, cholesterol, heart health, kidney health, liver health, thorax x-rays, ultrasound, and for female employees plus Pap smears to detect cervical cancer early. To avoid long queues and undisturbed office activities, the MCU is divided into several waves, each wave consisting of 6 (six) employees.

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