August 31, 2021 | Other Activities
Along with the times, the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and
government institutions are required to get better day by day. President Joko
Widodo even set a new foundation for ASN with a core value called BEAKHLAK,
namely service-oriented, accountable, competent, harmonious, loyal, adaptive
and collaborative. In carrying out the presidential directive, the Ministry of
State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (KEMENPAN-RB) wrapped it up in a system
called Bureaucratic Reform (RB). The work unit (satker) that has implemented RB
is referred to as the Integrity Zone (ZI) satker. Then ZI itself has 2 stages,
namely the Corruption-Free Area (WBK) and the Clean and Serving Corruption-Free
Area (WBBM).
Currently, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Salatiga
City is proposed to be a working unit with the title of WBK. To get the title,
there are several stages that must be passed and the administration must be
completed. Therefore, on Tuesday 31 August 2020, BPS Salatiga City took part in
a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme Evaluation of the Preparation of
the ZI Satker towards WBK/WBBM. In the discussion, participants including BPS
Salatiga City received directions from KEMENPAN-RB regarding ZI and notes on ZI
evaluation results. In addition, participants also got to share experiences on
tips and tricks to successfully get the WBK predicate as achieved by BPS West
Sulawesi and WBBM which has been achieved by BPS Kota Madiun.
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Desk Evaluation Pembangunan Zona Integritas Menuju WBK/WBBM BPS Kota Salatiga
Focus Group Discussion of Salatiga Municipality In Figures 2018
Focus Group Discussion on Salatiga Municipality in Numbers Publication 2021
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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