March 1, 2018 | Other Activities
Statistics of Salatiga Municipality received an award from KPPN Semarang II as the Second Ranking in the Rating of the Best Working Unit for Budget Implementation KPPN Partners Semarang II Budget Year 2017. This award was presented at the Socialization Overview of Budget Implementation 2017 and Budget Implementation Policy 2018 on Wednesday, 21 February 2018 held at KPPN Office Semarang II Jl. Ki Mangunsarkoro No. 34 Semarang. Head of KPPN Semarang II handed this award directly to the Commitment Officer of Statistics of Salatiga Municipality, Ninik Sri Listiyani as a participant in the socialization event. Hopefully this award can make the impetus to continuously improve the quality of the implementation and administration of state budget funds within the Statistics of Salatiga Municipality with professionalism, integrity and trust.
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